Each night my children and I select a topic to read / study in the Bible. Last night was one we have let others dictate for us...until now.
As we sat gathered around our dinner table eating
{ beef stew }
I asked if anyone could tell me where in the Bible it states that animals that were once unclean, are no longer considered such. We all knew some of the verses that are assumed to mean that:
Mark 7:18-19
Acts 10:12-15
Ephesians 2:15
Romans 14:14
But I am more concerned with verses like:
Matthew 5:17-18
Matthew 13:47-48
Revelation 16:13
Revelation 18:2
Romans 2:21-25
In my house we feel pretty strongly about following the Bible. While we do not claim to be Holy, we certainly strive towards it. I see clearly where God commands which animals/beasts are abominable and unclean and therefore unable for us to eat. I do not clearly see where this was changed.
I know the inconvenience of eating Kosher is a big put off, and maybe even why families don't. I feel it is a small sacrifice. Deny ourselves is what the Bible says. In this day, in this world, it is not easy. We will have to sacrifice fast foods and restaurant eating, some of our favorite snack foods, even some fellowship dinners.
What we will gain will be more time in the kitchen with each other, more time fellowshipping with those who have the same beliefs, healthier bodies, and a greater respect for our LORD.
I am not saying there is no salvation for those who make other choices for themselves and their families. I in fact hope that Judgment Day is a whole lot more flexible than I think it is going to be...but I am not going to take the chance simply because I like bacon, well done, with my eggs.
Why the picture of the snack foods above? Well, it turns out that pork is hidden in all of them. We also emptied our refrigerator / freezer of pork products...cheese (several types - block cheddar, artichoke cream cheese spread, cottage cheese, feta cheese...we used to love a lot of cheeses!), salad dressings, corn dogs, chicken kievs, burritos, pizza, raviolis...I have yet to get to the things in the back of the freezer but I am sure there will be more.
Want a quick way to know if the foods on your shelves are Kosher? Those that are, bear a letter symbol - It may be a "U" or a ". Spend 5 minutes looking. You might be surprised how n o t restrictive eating Kosher is.
Wow, your decision is amazing! Many blessings as you travel down a new road. Thanks for sharing (and visiting me). I also enjoyed your other posts about the hidden city!!!
=) Thanks for visiting...I am still reading your posts!