Saturday, December 5, 2009

8 of 52 weeks

We spent Thanksgiving week at my mom's. I had hoped to come and post updates and check up on a few of my favorite families here but was unable to because she doesn't have internet at her house.


Carin at Forever in Blue Jeans posted a 52 week challenge...

Forever In Blue Jeans

I failed at week 8 but by no choice of mine! This photo was actually taken on the right day. It was just unable to be posted until now.

No, we are not standing in front of a white, blank screen. That's her dining room wall! It was a lovely time but it's nice to be home.

(Week 9 is a few days late but will be up here really soon)


  1. I love this picture. This is my favorite so far. Nice shot.

  2. What an AWESOME picture! Your family is precious!


    Teresa <><
