Sunday, November 22, 2009

7 of 52 weeks

This has been one of the busiest weeks I have had in quite some time. While I do plan on sharing our news, I have not yet had the time to sit down at the computer and upload some photos. I guess that's how us moms always go missing from the posts! I know that if I skip one week it is that much easier to skip the next so I am posting this week's photo tonight...Better late than never!

Forever In Blue Jeans

Yes, My Birdy's shirt is filthy with biter biscuits! I have found that it is easier to layer him up early and just peel the layers away as he ruins them!


  1. I love this got everyone looking. Your smile is beautiful.

  2. That is a great photo! My kids are almost always dirty (or their shirts) in photos...I take it as a sign that I have finally loosened up.


    PS-I have a little award for you on my blog.

  3. Mimi - Not only is everyone looking, but it was done on the 1st attempt. Thanks for commenting!

    Holly as I look over past photos I can see the gradual "stuff that doesn't matter, doesn't matter" attitude and I can honestly say my family looks happier now. If dirty shirts equal happier home, bring on the dirt!
    Thanks for the award! I will be sure to receive it after the holiday.

  4. Very cute pic! I've accepted that kids will always have food on their shirt, mud on their pants, or dirt smeared on their face. And you know what? They still look adorable!
