Wednesday, October 21, 2009

my view 10.20.09

The 2nd landing on the staircase up to our bedrooms is one of Miss Thang's favorite places to play.

Well, I suppose it might be because it allows her to have privacy while still being close enough to hear everything going on downstairs.
{ or }
It might be that she, much like her mommy, enjoys sitting in the sun under the very, very large window.

This window looks out over the south side of our property. It is where we can view our 2nd largest tree. I call it my Wizard of Oz tree.

The leaves on this tree fall pretty early and if you blink, you miss the leaves turn from green to golden yellow and fiery orange.

I have realized lately that most things in our life change before our eyes without much appreciation or thought. I think it is really important to slow life down and pay attention to the
that God surrounds us with. It is easy to pay attention to breath taking, but how about quiet, subtle beauty...

Today's post is one of breath taking beauty.
It is My View from Miss Thang's window.

Each week I will post photos, some subtle, some not so much...

All will be
|| My View ||

Do you have a view worth sharing? I would love for all of you to link Your View here!
(open until Sunday, October 25, 2009 11:59PM) 


  1. I'd sit there too if that was my view. Beautiful photo. I just did a post on home...with the view of my backyard and my front happy to see it when I came home...I will link it.

  2. How beautiful! Looks like it must be a wonderful place to sit and think!
