Thursday, October 15, 2009

they make me proud

We don't spend frivolously on birthdays and holiday presents. Not because I'm a single mom of four kids but because I have taught my children that celebrating, whether it be the birth of a sibling or a grandparent or a friend or Jesus, isn't about receiving presents. It's a time to celebrate, a time to be with family, a time to remember how blessed we are.

My kids aren't asked what they want for birthdays and Christmas, and if they are (by a grandparent who still doesn't understand) the answer is always "nothing" or "I don't know". They do open presents for Christmas, not many, although they always feel that they have received a lot. My Sunshine and My Angel look forward to brother or sister or Mom or Grandma opening the presents they bought  and now that they earn and spend their own money, I enjoy the surprise as well.

At this time of the year they start looking for more chores to earn some extra $$ money $$. I don't pay them for their daily jobs but when they take some load off of me I feel it is only fair.

Tonight they went out and delivered AVON catalogs and samples. My Sunshine likes helping so much he doesn't even want to be paid...he thinks it's fun to work! I have no desire to exploit that so I'll pay them, but man, I love that my kids are so generous!

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